Cyber Security and Monitoring

Cyber Security and Monitoring

Protect systems, networks, and programs from all digital attacks. These attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information, extorting money from users, or interrupting normal business processes. Our cybersecurity services enable you to activate global digital activations and innovate without introducing risk or data loss.

Network Security Implementations

The connections from company networks to the Internet, and other partner networks, expose your systems and technologies to cyberattack. We create and implement policies and appropriate network architectural and technical responses. Your organization’s networks almost indeed span many sites, and the use of mobile/ remote working, and cloud services, makes defining a fixed network boundary difficult.

Network security implementations
email & User security

Email & User Security

Techfount systems email security Protects your organization against all advanced threats, including phishing, impersonation, and spam. Hackers are putting more effort than ever into breaking into user accounts. It’s even more critical that you ask for more than just a username and password if you want to be sure that all users are whom they claim to be.

Video, Voice & Chat

Good cybersecurity hygiene can help keep out unwanted attendees, protect your employees, and secure your data. Pre COVID-19 companies used video, chat, or voice platforms for daily business communication or cross country virtual meetings. Post COVID-19, the shift towards remote working has caused organizations to turn to video/chat/voice conferencing to sustain the business. Techfount Systems ensures the security of your communication platform cyber-based threats that potentially affect an entire business—enterprise-wide, and that, video, chat, or voice isn’t a source of vulnerability for your company.

Video, Voice & Chat

Cyber Security and Monitoring Services

As part of our complete Cyber Security strategy, Techfount Systems takes on the task of providing your company with 24/7 Cyber Security monitoring services


  • Network threat scanner
  • Network monitoring
  • Virtual private network
  • Firewall rules fine-tuning

Email &
User Security

  • Email
  • Anti-Spam & Anti-Phishing
  • User security
  • User policy, passwords management,
  • files access policy
  • Computer/user monitoring
  • Application policy
  • Backup policy

Voice & Chat

  • Secure video conferencing
  • Secure chat
  • Phone call recording