Published Date: 08 February 2022

Automotive Cyber Security: A Crash Course on Protecting Your Car

What’s the point of putting your car on the Internet if you aren’t going to secure it? While many car manufacturers are lagging behind on incorporating strong cyber security features into their vehicles, some are taking proactive steps to avoid becoming the next Heartbleed. In this article, we’ll take a look at what types of cyber security threats your car is most vulnerable to and how you can protect yourself from each of them. We’ll also take a look at what the future of automotive cyber security looks like, and how you can prepare for it now.

 What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is an ever-evolving field, and as cyber-criminals get more sophisticated in their attacks, it’s important to make sure you know how to protect yourself. Whether you’re a driver or a business owner, you should know how to keep your car safe from malicious cyber criminals. All it takes is some extra effort and commitment; all cars can be protected against various threats through adding advanced security systems in your car. Here are a few tips for keeping your car safe from cyber-attacks.

 Types of Cyber Security

There are five common types of cyber security threats your car will face: malware and viruses, data breaches, denial-of-service attacks, phishing scams, and remote access intrusions. Each type requires a different approach to guard against them. Be sure you understand what those approaches are so you can better protect your vehicle from hackers. You don’t want to end up in a situation where someone hacks into your car and then steals it! Malware/Viruses - Much like with computers, cars can be hacked using software meant to damage or disable them. Viruses and malware work similarly by inserting themselves into computer code. However, unlike their digital cousins, these programs aren’t looking for credit card information; they just want to disrupt your ride and cause Data Breaches - Data breaches occur when hackers steal personal information from one source and use it for nefarious purposes elsewhere. Stealing your credit card info for identity theft is a popular option. In some cases... Denial-of-Service Attacks -DDoS attacks involve shutting down an application or system by flooding it with more requests than its capacity can handle.

 The General Steps of Cyber Attack

There are five general steps of cyber-attack - reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, and installation. The attackers need to know how your computer and systems work. They need to determine what software vulnerabilities you have and then they need to devise a way to get their malicious code into your system through a network port or an email attachment. Once in your system, their goal is to exploit some type of vulnerability that will give them control over it. Once in control of your machine, they might look for information about you (or sell it), or just trash it with random data that renders it unusable or worse. To prevent these attacks, use well-known anti-virus/anti-malware programs that can detect known malware even if an exploit hasn't been discovered yet. And always update these programs regularly to ensure you're protected against new attacks as they emerge.

Cyber Crime Salary Statistics

According to one cyber security salary survey, cybersecurity professionals earn between $52,632 and $107,000 in their first year. While that seems like a lot of money for a field as nascent as information security, it’s also important to consider what value those experts bring to an organization. In 2015, there were about 3 million cybersecurity professionals employed globally; by 2020, it’s expected that number will grow to 4 million. That makes it a relatively small talent pool, too small to accommodate all demand. Consider these figures from Cybersecurity Ventures, which predict cyber crime costs reach $6 trillion annually by 2021 (this is up from around $3 trillion in 2015). It doesn’t take long to see why demand continues to outpace supply.

 How to be prepared for a Cyber Attack

In January, a series of connected cars were hacked at a Las Vegas conference. Now it’s time to face the facts: threats to automotive cyber security are real and they’re here. As vehicles become more advanced and interconnected, automotive cyber security is taking center stage as one of today’s hottest tech topics. Fortunately, there are ways you can take control and ways that you can safeguard your car from potentially life-threatening attacks like these. Although you may not be able to learn how to hack your own car in half an hour like one particular pair of disgruntled researchers did last year, you can still make sure that yours is protected by following some key steps. Here are four things everyone should know about automotive cyber security and what we can do about it today. 1. Know The Different Types Of Cyber Attacks And How They Work. There are two primary types of cyber-attacks when it comes to hacking into your car (or any electronic device for that matter): physical access and remote access hacks.

 How to Improve Your Defenses against Hackers

The average data breach costs companies $3.62 million and lasts 37 days, according to Ponemon Institute’s 2017 Cost of Data Breach Study. Cyber crime is a real threat, so how can you stay safe? Check out these tips to protect your personal and professional information online. For example, you can download anti-virus software on all of your devices (this is especially important if you use company devices for personal use). Additionally, creating secure passwords that are difficult to guess is always important but especially when handling large amounts of sensitive information. Storing sensitive documents in password-protected files or folders also helps protect them from hackers; once they have control over your computer, it only takes seconds for a hacker to grab one file at a time. Finally, make sure employees sign non-disclosure agreements before they work with any confidential or proprietary information; such agreements ensure legal action will be taken if confidential materials leak or fall into unapproved hands. To improve cyber security in any field.

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